Microstrip Directional Coupler
1. Theory
- Direction coupler extracts a portion of a wave
traveling in a direction on a transmission line.
- Applications of directional couplers:
power monitoring
power monitoring
Figure: Directional coupler symbol. P1/P2 =
insertion loss, P1/P3 = coupling, P1/P4 = isolation, P3/P4 = directivity
Figure: Short-section coupled line directional
couplers and equivalent circuit representation.
Figure: Microstrip quarter-wave
directional coupler topology. Left: single section coupler, right:
multi-section wideband coupler. Port 1: input, Port 2: through, Port 3:
coupled, Port 4: isolated
2. Applications
Figure: Directional couplers used in microwave
directional coupler for an X-band motion sensor
CIAS MURENA Plus, https://www.cias.it/en/products/sensors/murena/
Spec.: 24-m range, dual frequency Doppler sensor,
10-11 GHz
Figure: Left = MURENA motion sensor, Midde: Intruder detection by motion sensor, Right =
Internal view of the 4-element patch array antenna and the motion sensor board.
Figure: Block diagram of the MURENA motion sensor [Sanna(2018)]
Test model of the directional coupler in the MURENA motion sensor [Sanna(2018)]
Simulate the structure with wave-port source.
Plot S11, S21, S31, S41 at 9-12 GHz.