10 - Inverted-L and inverted-F Antennas
I. Simulation
1. Monopole antenna
Monopole dimensions:
Feeding: Gap-fed with a discrete port
with source impedance of 50 W
Design frequency: f 0 =
(1000 + PIN/1000) MHz=1GHz
실습조교 PIN =
Monopole axis: in z direction
Reference resonant dipole length: L = 0.45 λ = 0.45 ´ 300 = 135 mm
Monopole end-to-ground plane
distance: L/2 =
0.225 λ= 68 mm
Monopole diameter: d = (L/2)/34
= 2.0 mm
Monopole feed gap: g/2 = d/2 = 1 mm
Monopole: PEC
Frequency range: 0.5f0 to 1.5f0
1-1. Plot the antenna structure.
1-2. Plot |S11| (dB) at 0.5f0 to
1-3. Plot the imput impedance on the Smith chart.
1-4. On the Smith chart, mark the frequency f0 and find the input
impedance Zin.
1-5. Plat 3D Gabs at f0.
1-6. Find max(Gabs) at f0.
Inverted-L antenna (ILA)
L1 =
0.3 (L/2), L2 = 0.7 (L/2),
where L, g, and d are defined in
the above.
2-1. Plot the antenna structure.
2-2. Plot |S11| (dB) at 0.5f0 to
2-3. Plot the imput impedance on the Smith chart.
2-4. On the Smith chart, mark the frequency f0 and find the input
impedance Zin.
2-5. Plat 3D Gabs at f0.
2-6. Find max(Gabs) at f0.
Inverted-F antenna (IFA)
L1 =
0.3 (L/2), L2 = 0.7 (L/2),
where L, g, and d are defined in
the above.
3-1. Plot the antenna structure.
With all other dimensions fixed, change S to the
following vlaues
S = 2d,
4d, 6d, 8d, and 10d
using the parameter sweep method in CST Studio. If
necessary, repeat the parameter sweep in smaller intervals for the lowest value
of min{|S11| (dB)}.
3-2. Plot |S11|(dB) vs parameter S values.
Now set S = Soptimum and do the
3-3. Plot |S11| (dB)
at 0.5f0 to 1.5f0.
3-4. Plot the imput impedance on the Smith chart.
3-5. On the Smith chart, mark the frequency f0 and find the input
impedance Zin.
3-6. Plat 3D Gabs at f0.
3-7. Find max(Gabs) at f0.
Summarize your simulation in the follwing table.
Antenna |
Frequency fC (GHz) for minimum |S11| |
|S11| < -10 dB bandwidth (GHz) |
Rin, Xin at fC. |
Max (Gabs) at fC |
Monopole |